If you have seen our recent news item on the fantastic day out DCGR had at this year’s Kirkgunzeon Summer Gala, you will know it was a generously attended day despite initial concerns over the weather and that the amazing Emma Maxwell of Kirkgunzeon Canines who organised and hosted the Gala also hoped to make a donation to DCGR and Farmersfield Rest-home for Elderly Donkeys (FRED) from the proceeds of the day.
So, on Saturday 2nd September, Emma presented us with a huge and generous donation of £200 and we were completely delighted, as will be the DCGR homeless greyhounds who benefit from all the donations we receive. Emma has been a steadfast and generous supporter of our charity over many years and even volunteered to help out at the Coffee Morning in Dalbeattie that day (see the recent news item for all the details).
DCGR is a charity run by volunteers and without such amazing supporters like Emma, we would not be able to continue helping the greyhounds finding their forever homes the way we have for the last 20 years.
So a huge and heartfelt thank you to Emma and everyone who supported the event that day and all of Emma’s regular clients at Kirkgunzeon Canines – Freedom Field For Dogs, where we are eagerly awaiting her next fantastic venture as she will soon be opening an on-site shop and we will be first in the door to see all her hard work come to fruition. Good Luck Emma!
Pictures show Emma handing over the donation to DCGR’s Margaret Hill with greyhound assistance from Ruby, Honey and Rhys and a photo from the Summer Gala in Kirkgunzeon.